These photos are from a 4 miler I ran in Norwood, Ma. 4 weeks ago. Two of the volunteers I noticed were Bob and Tony. Actually it was hard to miss them because they seemed to be everywhere. They were the first people I met when I arrived and needed parking directions and then I saw them again along the course and again at the finish. Once again proving that it takes people working hard in the back round, usually getting little or no credit, to allow the runners to enjoy their day. Then there was Cindy. We saw each other a couple times before the race. We then got to talk a bit after the race. As is typical of many runners, she was feeling her time for the race was ok, but, she felt she could have done better. Me--I kept my mouth shut about my time. Why?? Because she kicked my butt by over 2 minutes. Everyone had fun that day til the clouds blocked out the sun, the wind kicked up, and the temperature dropped 10 degrees. But we had sunshine and warmth for the race and a bit of socializing afterwards, so I felt it we beat mother nature.