I put a lot of entries into this site talking about the volunteers. As a race co-ordinator, I can tell you that without them many races could not happen. Also the happy, helping nature of volunteers is part of what sets the atmosphere of the race and the day. The volunteers at the Paddy's Road Race were a pleasure to meet and they definitely helped set a great tone to make the day a great one.
I saw Dave in many places during the race. But, I wasn't able to slow him down for a picture until we met to have a glass of carbs when the days activities were about done.
Kevin was playing the bagpipes at the beginning and end of the race. The music helps set a special tone to the Irish races.
Jen, Gary, and Mary were the first 3 volunteers I ran into and, as you can tell, their smiles were contagious.
The atmosphere, the race, the people, the cause all came together that day to create a wonderful day for everybody there.
Check this race out next year and expect a day of fun.