Three great days of running are represented in these photos. The reason I've singled them out is because it shows meeting and re-meeting friends at the races. Top left is Lee and myself at a 6 miler in Holyoke, Ma. around Thanksgiving and then Lee and myself at a 5 miler at the same Elks club a few months ago. The 5 miler--sunny and warm. The 6 miler--45 degrees, 30 mile an hour winds with gusts up to 50 miles a hour. Different running conditions but great time shared with a new friend. Lee and I actually have run in 4 of the same races this year and prior to the races we had never met.
Then we have me with Paul (to my right) and Mario. The picture on the left was taken this March at a St. Patty's 10k and the other picture was at the 6 miler on the Thanksgiving weekend. Also in the right hand picture are Dave and Dan. As you can see the bad weather conditions kept us inside and FORCED us to carbo load.
Mario, Dave and Dan are friends I met this year through Paul. Paul and I were in the same grade in school and graduated high school in the class of 19--(something). He introduced me to these guys at a local restaurant. He introduced us by pointing at me and saying "If you thing what I do is crazy, let me tell you about Al's running back round.".
From most people that would have seemed like a neat way to introduce me---right??? But what you need to know is that Paul, just a few years ago, decided to start competing in Iron man competitions. Now, I may have run across the United States. And, I may hold the world record for average amount of miles/day, unassisted from that journey. BBBBBUUUUUTTTT I had all day to do those miles. What Iron man/triathletes do is CRAZY to me. They tell me that they respect me for what I do running, but their abilities to do what they do astound me. They have my total respect and awe.
All-in-all a great day to hang together all because we run.