I do love to run races every once in awhile that are local to me. Sept. 29th was the Smith Fall Fit 5k at Smith College in Northampton, Ma..These are the races that I know almost as many runners as I don't know. It was a beautiful day for the race and hundreds of people came.
Lynn was the main coordinator. She was everywhere, in the booths, at the starting line sending the runners off, handing out the awards, available for questions (which if you have ever put one of these on you know there are many questions) and anything else she was called on to do.
Deb, in yellow, and I have known each other for many years. This was only her 2nd race ever and I could sense she has caught that running fever. Keep it up Deb I'm proud of you.
Lisa (744) is a tremendous athlete and competitor. We also have known each other for years. She is one of the people that finish far enough ahead of you that they are walking the course backwards to cool down. Those of us that see you folks as we are trying still to finish know what I'm talking about. Lisa, if I had to put together a winning team of runners you would be one of my first choices. Great Job.
Then there are the 3 amigos plus one. You have seen myself with Lee(758) and Craig(752) in this blog section many times. As a matter of fact, they are pictured with me at the last race I went to in which Lee was the main organizer. I really enjoy seeing them at these events. The forth amigo is Jeff from the Sugarloaf Mt. Running Club.
There are more pictures from this run in my next entry and you will easily be able to tell we all had a great day for racing.