March 6 was a great day for my 1st 2010 road race. It turned out to be a clear sunny 50 degree day. For you that are reading this somewhere that has warm temps all year round, or, 50 degrees plus most of the year, to us this was almost more than us New Englanders could have wished for.
The Garden House at Look Park in Florence, Ma. served as the registration/refreshment center for the event. In past years it might also have served as a warm shelter for the early season runners. However this year most everybody hung outside both before and after the race. The theme for the race was-- Health--and there were many booths set up offering ways of keeping healthy and ensuring ways to keep running and returning to this great event.
My most enjoyed part of these races is not the running, even though it is by far one of the things in life I enjoy tremendously. THE PEOPLE are what is most exciting to me. I love meeting and re-meeting people at a place and doing something we all enjoy.
I am pictured with Lee. Him and I met at a race in Western Mass. a year ago and continue to meet up through out the area. It was exciting to see him again and talk about his new running goals for the season. I also met Mistelle, Andrea, and, little Adelaine. Mistelle and Andrea were two of the organizers for the race. No- we weren't trying to teach Adelaine count. The mile markers seemed to be a good prop for the photo.
Then there is Elizabeth. She and I met there for the 1st time, but, it was a planned meeting because she is going to help me with the nutrition part of the crazy running that is becoming such a big part of my life. She is in the last few months of completing her degree in the nutrition field at Umass. I need to learn how to give my body what it needs to do 30-50 miles a day.
Meeting her at the race turned out to be the story of the day for me. We initially met before the race and discussed talking more in depth after the race and scheduling talks during the up coming week. She also told me she was "jogging" in the race. The course was 2 loops around the park. We all started and everyone was off enjoying the ability to run on a scenic course, on such a beautiful day. For me the first lap went well, I felt I was in a groove and motoring myself around the course, not at a blazing pace, but, comfortable. Then it happened. From behind me I heard "how you doing Al" and next thing I knew Elizabeth came up along side me, exchange a few words, and then went ahead of me so smoothly and effortlessly it was like she was on one of the people movers at the airport. Obviously she hadn't read the entries in my blog about my Italian, male, accomplished runner ego. But, you know what, if you've been reading my entries, you would know that ego has been beaten into enjoying the talents and capabilities of those around me. As I watched her pull away in my head I was thinking how fortunate I am to be able to learn from such wonderful, knowledgeable and talented people.
The day was great. The people were wonderful to be around. And my expectations for the up coming year were raised with such a great start.