Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I'll be catching up on some photos that haven't made it into the blog yet after the holiday. Please enjoy yourselves and the company of friends and family, they are all precious.

Chickens, Antlers And Elves

The cast of characters were out in full force for the Somerville, Ma. Jingle Bell Run on December 13th. The sun was bright, the temps in the 40's and people's spirits were bubbling with the holiday merriment.

The top picture was taken in a Davis Square Pub after the race. Michelle and I had seen "some" guy running the race in of all things--A Chicken Costume???? A half hour later as we're ordering our glass of carb replacing solution we looked up and--- there was the chicken. Turns out Brian runs alot of races in his chicken outfit and says he's gotten more mileage (sorry about the pun) from this costume than any other one he's owned. Michelle, Brian, Brian's gal Katie (who will be pictured the next time I do entries, because I developed the wrong pic---Sorry Kate) had a great time that day talking and sipping.-----Note Michelle and my antlers. Design flaws with both left antlers apparently.

The 2nd pic is me with a whole table full of antlered runners. Counter clockwise, according to Amanda, are Amanda, Kathleen (a marathoner), Meghan, Jen, and Shuli (according to Amanda's hand writing.

The third picture is of Michelle and I with pre-race antlers. This was our second race together, because, it was only her second race ever. The race was suggested to us weeks before by people that never showed up to run it themselves. Oh well, their loss. We had a ball. The sea of red hats, costumes everywhere, her best time ever, great weather and a dad and daughter hanging out as best friends. What a great experience the day was.

If there was an ward for best costume picture #4 would have gotten my vote. You had 7 people running together, with Rudolf in the lead, Santa in a sleigh (can't see him but he's there) and a group of the sweetest looking elves to ever make toys. These reindeer costumes had little, battery powered electric fans that kept the costumes inflated. They also had a rope that went from Rudolf back to the sleigh and they stayed in formation all the way. AMAZING

So--see what you missed while watching the BIG game on tv. 5500 crazy, happy people running, enjoying each others company and bringing in the holiday spirit.

New Race Day Friends And The Slutcracker On Stage

Some more of the large number of pics from the Jingle Bell Run in Somerville, Ma. on December 13th. Amanda and Julie join me and Michelle for our first glass of carbo loading bubbles at one of the pubs in Davis Square.
Don was watching the door at the pub and keeping an eye on all the festivities. He is one of the people I talk of often. There are so many people behind the scenes that make the day a great day for the runners. You may say "well he's on duty that's why he's there"- would you rather be the one drinking a few beers after a race, or the guy watching you drink a few beers after a race. Give all the people that make a race day run smooth the PROPS they deserve for dealing with us.
I don't take pictures, or even look at, guys butts when I'm running (women's butts??? I plead the 5th), But the "Ho Ho Ho" on this guys shorts just seemed a picture waiting to be taken.
The picture of the theater marquis is just to prove to you that celebrating the season comes at you from all directions. Take a good look at what was on stage from Dec 10-20. You had a cast of characters running outside the theater and a cast of characters dancing inside the theater.
A great day--A great race--And a holiday spirit shared by all.

The P.D.- Penguins- And Friends

Monday, December 21, 2009

Saturday December 5th turned out to be a great day for a race despite some cool temps. I was headed to the Northampton, Ma. Hot Chocolate Run when I realized, with the 60-70 races I've run in the last 2 years, Ive never run a race in my own home town. How weird is that???
The first people I met when I was headed to the registration table were the guys in the 3rd picture. Once I saw the Northampton P.D. I figured maybe they knew I was headed to the race and were sent to make sure I didn't run a race in my own home town. Actually, Andy (left) and I went to school together. In the middle with me is "Big Al". If you have been following these entries for a while, you would have seen him with me and Dave at the gym. And, unfortunately, the officer on the right-- I can't remember his name. I might have too many hot chocolates after the race...Sorry.
The top picture is the first runner (waddler) I ran in to on my way to registration. I at first thought I might have recognized him from a National Geographic show. The second picture is of me with Travis and his gal Jamie. You have also seen Trav with me in earlier entries from gym photo and Jamie I saw a week later in Somerville, Ma dressed in a more Christmassy out fit. Depending upon when I get to that entry, and when you're reading this, you may have already seen her picture from there.

The last picture is me with Mark. He is another person you would have seen in earlier entries. I was just the week before that I met him at a Turkey Trot 6 miler. He was there with his friend , OV, who must still be hurting from the injury he sustained while running that race. I say that because I later met Mark with his son who was there for the race.
The temps were low but the spirits high that day. And running my first ever road race in my own home town was great. I met old friends, met new ones, had some hot chocolate and left there to go run another 10 plus miles---well---because that's what I do.

More Hot Chocolate

Here are more pictures from the December 5th, Hot Chocolate Run in Northampton,Ma.. Top picture is a group of runners from the Northampton Fire Dept. Next picture is me with a real great friend, Pat, that I didn't know was a runner. I find running races locally on occasion brings unexpected good times with old friends.
Third picture is with Peggy. I didn't know Peggy, but, I figured hanging out with one of Santa's helpers MMMIIIGGGHHHTTT score me some points when it comes to the "gift" list. And the 4th pic is of Andrew, on the left, Dave and myself. I just couldn't let this opportunity go by. You probably thing I'm talking about the red spiked hair, don't you? Nope. If you put me and Dave together you would get a full head of hair.
All-in-all the day was great. 4000 runners, and hot chocolate.

Birthday Miles And Carbs

In case you wonder what someone who is training to run across the continent does on his birthday--here's the scoop. Since my birthday is in December the weather plays a bit of a factor in my running plans on my birthday.

I normally run the distance of a marathon just to prove to myself I still can. This year I bent my own rules a bit. I ran a minimum of a half marathon for 3 days in a row with 14.8 on my actual birthday. Total for the 3 days was 40.3 and included a local road race. The main reason I stopped, due to the weather, many of the miles were on treadmills and cross trainers so it became really boring.

Of course on my birthday I also made sure I had sufficient carbs in my system and tipped a couple glass fulls of them with friends. Just happened to have the camera in the jeep so I got a picture from the evening. Chris, Mickey and Trevor are here with me to make sure my mission was accomplished.

To Those That Ran And "Thanks" To Those That Didn't

Thursday, December 17, 2009

These are photos from the Holyoke, Ma. Turkey Trot 6 mile race in Holyoke, Ma. a couple weekends ago. One of the things I learned at this race was that there are people you didn't know, some you didn't know ran, and some you're glad didn't run.
Emily and Nicki I was glad didn't run. As you can see they were helping with one of the most crucial parts of any runners training regiment-----pouring the glasses of carbs needed to replenish the body after a strenuous run.
Then, to the right of the ladies, is a picture of me with Paul, national coordinator for my Alaska to Florida run. And the picture below the ladies is me with Kevin who owns an accounting business and does my accounting. Though I talk frequently with these guys and we are friends, I didn't know they ran road races. So meeting them at the race was a nice surprise.
Then, bottom right, you have OV and Mark. They were the 1st two people I met when I got out of my jeep at the race. OV ended up injuring himself on the run. Mark not only finished, but, I saw him the next weekend at another race.

New Friends And Who's Crazy

Three great days of running are represented in these photos. The reason I've singled them out is because it shows meeting and re-meeting friends at the races. Top left is Lee and myself at a 6 miler in Holyoke, Ma. around Thanksgiving and then Lee and myself at a 5 miler at the same Elks club a few months ago. The 5 miler--sunny and warm. The 6 miler--45 degrees, 30 mile an hour winds with gusts up to 50 miles a hour. Different running conditions but great time shared with a new friend. Lee and I actually have run in 4 of the same races this year and prior to the races we had never met.
Then we have me with Paul (to my right) and Mario. The picture on the left was taken this March at a St. Patty's 10k and the other picture was at the 6 miler on the Thanksgiving weekend. Also in the right hand picture are Dave and Dan. As you can see the bad weather conditions kept us inside and FORCED us to carbo load.
Mario, Dave and Dan are friends I met this year through Paul. Paul and I were in the same grade in school and graduated high school in the class of 19--(something). He introduced me to these guys at a local restaurant. He introduced us by pointing at me and saying "If you thing what I do is crazy, let me tell you about Al's running back round.".
From most people that would have seemed like a neat way to introduce me---right??? But what you need to know is that Paul, just a few years ago, decided to start competing in Iron man competitions. Now, I may have run across the United States. And, I may hold the world record for average amount of miles/day, unassisted from that journey. BBBBBUUUUUTTTT I had all day to do those miles. What Iron man/triathletes do is CRAZY to me. They tell me that they respect me for what I do running, but their abilities to do what they do astound me. They have my total respect and awe.
All-in-all a great day to hang together all because we run.

Cindy Beat Mother Nature And Me

These photos are from a 4 miler I ran in Norwood, Ma. 4 weeks ago. Two of the volunteers I noticed were Bob and Tony. Actually it was hard to miss them because they seemed to be everywhere. They were the first people I met when I arrived and needed parking directions and then I saw them again along the course and again at the finish. Once again proving that it takes people working hard in the back round, usually getting little or no credit, to allow the runners to enjoy their day. Then there was Cindy. We saw each other a couple times before the race. We then got to talk a bit after the race. As is typical of many runners, she was feeling her time for the race was ok, but, she felt she could have done better. Me--I kept my mouth shut about my time. Why?? Because she kicked my butt by over 2 minutes. Everyone had fun that day til the clouds blocked out the sun, the wind kicked up, and the temperature dropped 10 degrees. But we had sunshine and warmth for the race and a bit of socializing afterwards, so I felt it we beat mother nature.

Back to The Training Table

Just showing you another hard work session at Cambridge 1 pizza in Brookline. Michelle, Brooke, Shannon and myself had some serious talks about the run and the documentary. Oh---and we made sure we taste tested the food and carbs to make sure the quality was at it's best. And as always it was some great training nourishment and great company.
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