I was going to wait to put this picture into my blog section. But, I decided this was the place for it. Kyle is a great guy that was volunteering at the 32nd Annual Brewster Brew Run on August 14th. There are 2 more entries about the race day after this one. Since I met him there, I decided putting his picture amongst the story from the day was the way I wanted to present it. In my eyes this man is bold, brazen, and passionate about a cause that effects parts of his family (past and present). If you have a problem with this picture that's too bad.

What a beautiful day for a road race August 14th turned out to be. And that was especially good, because I had decided to expand my racing circle despite battling a back injury. Brewster, Ma. was the scene and was, with traffic, 4 plus hours away from my home. Brewster is part of Cape Cod and the cape has many races during the year. So when I saw the 32nd Annual Brewster Brew run I was curious. Then I saw "free adult beverages after the race" in the description and the decision was made.
I needed a light hearted, fun race and this seemed to fit the bill. The scene was the Brewster Inn and in the second picture you can see the crowd that read the same description that I did. Over 1500 that I know of ran and walked. It was sunny and 80 degrees. What more do you need to call the day great? Oh yes, and there was that free beer thing.
The 3rd picture is of the WONDERFUL group of people that that pulled the taps, that filled the glasses, that made the runners happy.
A great meeting happened that day. I noticed Bill wearing a DMSE tee shirt and just had to meet him. For the people that are just starting to look at this website and get to know me, there is a significance to who's initials DM stand for. When I was running across the country there was someone else doing the same thing, on 90% of the same roads, at the same time. This man's name is Dave McGillivray. My name is in the book he wrote "The Last Pick" and many people know him because he is the race director for the Boston Marathon, has many more running accomplishments, and owns DMSE, a company which amongst other things organizes and puts on fund raising and running events all over the world.
It turns out that Bill was on a relay team, with Dave, that ran across the country. The unique thing about their course was that it was VERY close to the exact course I had run. Dave posted an on line diary as they went. Not known to them, as I read the diary I went through ups and downs because I could see in my mind exactly where they were, what the terrain was, and could replay in my mind myself running through the very spot they happened to be on any given day. Bill and his wife Anna were a great way to start the day. "Thank You".
Do you like beautiful days? Do you like great people? Do you like free beer? Then this race is one you definitely want to check out when it comes around again next year. There is another story and many more pictures about this race in the next entry. Check it out.

My daughter used to dance for the Boston Celtics. I went to many games and one of the non-game things that is done became a special item to me. At one point during the evening the organization recognizes a person for something very special they have done that might go un-noticed by most of the public. Many of the stories of what they had done, whose lives they may have saved, deeds that have helped society or individuals in some way, service to their conntry, and many other things really touched my heart. They were called "Heros Amongst Us".
Observing these award ceramonies has made me a bit more observant of people doing great things that go unnoticed because they are not done for the recognition. I found one of those "Heros Amongst Us" in Ridgefield, Ct. on August 7th.
Barbara, owner of the Southwest Cafe in Ridgefield, Ct. is a "Hero Amongst Us". This special lady understands the meaning of giving back to society. The Southwest Cafe serves tremendous food, has a great atmosphere and because of her hard work is doing well. Barbara, however does not take her success for granted and gives back to the community that supports her.
One way she does this is by organizing a road race to raise money to help support Sunrise Cottage. This is a home that takes care of people that are intellectually challenged and provides a nice setting for them to live. In listening to Barb talk about the great people that are there and how they are being helped, it is easy to tell that her heart is full of love and caring. She really enjoyed having some of the residents from Sunrise Cottage help during the awards ceremony as you can see in the 2nd picture. What a great way to give back to the community that has allowed her and her business to thrive.
The race was a wonderful happening that you will read more about in the next 2 entries and that you need to experience for yourself. Go to this race and meet this special lady. Help her help others and partake of the special things she brings to a 5k road race. "Thank You" Barbara for the race, the day, and setting an example by being a "Hero Amongst Us".

Sometimes I get lost and am not sure which way I'm going. But I think the person driving this car has taken that condition to a whole new level.

Steve Garon was a fire fighter (Deputy Chief) from Bellinham, Ma.. He went to sleep one day at the age of 52 and never woke up. He is pictured in the photo on the board with some of the written farewells by friends. Pictured with me is Steve's widow, Claire. In talking to her and many of the people that were at the 1st annual Steve Garon Memorial 5k run/walk I realized that Steve had been a great man and shared his life with a great woman.
I sometimes go to 1st annual races with some apprehension because I travel sometimes 1-2 1/2 hours to a race with 10-15 other runners that show up that day. Every once in a while, however, I pick one that seems special. And, this race and day was one of those. There are 3 more entries after this one explaining the day.
Everyone I talked to about Steve reminded me of a book I read once. The book was titled "Man Of Steel And Velvet". There are men who are willing to stand in the gap for anyone they know, without questions or the need for a "Thank You". You can tell they are men of their their word along inner and outer strength. Then, their are men who have a softer side that allows people to trust and confide in them because it is seen in their eyes, which I've heard called the windows to our soul. In talking with anyone there that day you knew that Steve was one of the few men that come along that possess both.
All that I could hear as people talked about him was the love they felt for Steve. 300 people showed up in that little town for the first race in his honor. 300 in a first year is an overwhelming success to any race organizer. They usually, as in this case, happen because of the love held in people's hearts for the person that is no longer with them.
Claire is truly a special lady who adored(s) her husband. She's also a real trooper who could not thank the people around her enough for their support. She swelled with pride as she spoke of Steve and told me of the unbelievable tribute to her "man" that took place at the wake and funeral.
The monies raised at these races will go to the fire fighter's organization and towards a scholarship to be given to a high school senior.
You need to put this race on your list for next year. It will be a race you will be proud to be a part of if you take a couple minutes to learn about it's reason for being.
To all the people that day: I'm proud to have experienced you and proud of the love you are willing to show for a great lady and the man she lost.

At every road race I find that certain people stand out as the ones that everyone seems to count on for direction. Bethany was the first volunteer I met as I wandered the grounds where the 1st annual Steve Garon Memorial 5k was about to happen. She seemed to be everywhere during the pre-race and was the first person I first met as I crossed the finish line. I also saw her doing other things all day.
Greg (a true friend to Steve Garon) was the true moving force behind the organizing and putting on of the race. According to all those I talked to, he is a big competitor and organizer. These are two great attributes for planning a successful road race. He understood what was needed and what needed to be done to make all of us runners and walkers happy. As I looked around I kept seeing him, with his clip board, pointing and instructing everyone that needed to be directed to their next point. He did everything with enthusiasm, energy, and patience.
I know it took many more people than just Bethany and Greg to make the day successful, but, from what I saw they deserve great credit for their efforts that day. And I can honestly say I believe this race will continue to grow because of the the ground work that was laid for this first race. GREAT JOB