There Are 3 Entries About The Paddy's Pub Road Race After This Ad

Friday, October 22, 2010



Paddy's Pub Shillelagh Shuffle Road Race

What a great race the Paddy's Pub Shillelagh Shuffle Road Race turned out to be on Oct. 17th.. West Newton was the town and Paddy's Pub was the place. This was their 9th annual and the last of the year in a pub series.
Mark Kelly was the overall coordinator and it was easy to tell. I'd ask people where he was and when I got to where I was told he would be, he'd been there and gone. This is what the day of a race organizer is like. He, along with the help of others, did a great job and gave to all that came a wonderful race and a great day.
The money raised goes to the Newton Special Athletes Program and a record 1980 runners and walkers came to participate and enjoy the day. There were many events for kids of all ages along with bounce houses for them, also.
The course wound through the town and provided some very fast times for runners of all levels. The food after the race was fantastic and plentiful. If you went away hungry it was your own fault. And Paddy's Pub was there to make the day even more complete.
My hat's off to this race and all those that put it on. The day was great. The people were wonderful and everything ran smoothly so all that came could just enjoy.
You'll meet many of the people that were there in the next 2 entries.

Your Story And Great People

Here are pictures of some of the great people that showed up to run in the Paddy's Road Race. As you can tell I met Eddie and Julie after the race. We met while listening to great Irish music in Paddy's Pub. Carbo loading is the favorite part of a race for all 3 of us.

Kayleen and I saw each other before the race. We noticed each other partially because she was wearing her Boston Marathon wind breaker and I was wearing mine. The coats have a way of opening people up to each other because----well just because.

Michelle and Craig arrived at about the same time as I did so we parked facing each other. I also saw them while running the course. Their friendly smiles made it easy to ask for a picture.

You should run this race next year so you can enjoy the runners and the volunteers (some of whom you'll meet in the next entry).

To me every race is a place to find your story for the day. It's people like all these people that make the story of the day a great memory.

Go to this race next year and you will find a great story for yourself.

Volunteers Set The Tone

I put a lot of entries into this site talking about the volunteers. As a race co-ordinator, I can tell you that without them many races could not happen. Also the happy, helping nature of volunteers is part of what sets the atmosphere of the race and the day. The volunteers at the Paddy's Road Race were a pleasure to meet and they definitely helped set a great tone to make the day a great one.

I saw Dave in many places during the race. But, I wasn't able to slow him down for a picture until we met to have a glass of carbs when the days activities were about done.

Kevin was playing the bagpipes at the beginning and end of the race. The music helps set a special tone to the Irish races.

Jen, Gary, and Mary were the first 3 volunteers I ran into and, as you can tell, their smiles were contagious.

The atmosphere, the race, the people, the cause all came together that day to create a wonderful day for everybody there.

Check this race out next year and expect a day of fun.

4 Stories About The Great Island 5K After This Advertisement

Monday, October 11, 2010







What Was I Thinking?????? OH...Now I Get It

I traveled 2 1/2 hours in my truck to go to the October 10th running of the Great Island 5k in New Castle, N.H.. I left my house at 5:30 a.m. because I like to be at least 1 1/2 hours early to the races I go to run. Being mid October at 6:30 I was only slightly over 1/3 of the way there and the sun had yet to rise. I don't question what I do in the running field very often---but---I was wondering about this decision. EVEN THE SUN WAS STILL SLEEPING.
All it took was arriving, getting out of my truck and looking around at the beautiful setting. I immediately knew I was glad I had come. And meeting the people you will see in the 3 entries after this one will show you why you should have been there, too .
1339 people, besides me, came to enjoy the day and I'm sure we were all glad we had made the right choice. What a great way to get away for the day.
Check out these pictures, read these stories, and experience this race. Then place for yourself here next year.


Of all the pictures I took of scenery while at the Great Island 5k, for some reason this is my favorite. So, I'm giving it it's own spot. There are 2 more stories about the great people there after this entry. Check them out.

Great People In A Great Place...Meet Some Of Them

You've seen some of the great scenery from the Great Island 5k. Now meet some of the great people that I met while there.
Kate is a very great runner in her own right. She is pictured with me and her 2 daughters, Emily and Annie(1267). I first noticed Kate first way through the course. She was one of the volunteers and was shouting great encouragements to all the runners. When I talked to her back at the finish area she talked a bit about her running back round, but couldn't wait to have me meet her two daughters, of whom she was so proud. She told me of their training and was a proud mom, an encourager, and a cheer leader. Both Emily and Annie received awards for their efforts that day. "Congratulations ladies".
Bruce and Kylie not only ran the race, they worked tables during pre-race registrations. In my book it is great to support the cause by running, but donating your time is sometimes greater. Doing both....PRICELESS.
Shannon(1204) and Karen had a great day of running and festivities at the race. However, they admitted they couldn't have done as well if it wasn't for having their support team, Kayla.
You might be wondering why I have a picture of a nun in this write up about a run??? Look at the last picture. The nun ran the race!!!! And if you look close you will see that these are the clothes she was wearing. She not only finished with a very respectable time, but, I'll bet she beat alot of people wearing their $100.00, specially designed, equipped with the newest technology running shirt and shorts. It's who's in the clothes that matters, not the clothes one is wearing.
There are more pictures of the fantastic people I met in New Castle in the next entry. What a great place and a great bunch of people were there that day.

More Pics From Great Island 5K

Here are more pics from the Oct. 10th Great Island 5k. Steve (#1281) ran the 5k with his daughter.In this picture he is waiting to cheer her on while she was participating in the kids races after she completed the 5k. As you know, if you've followed my writing, I feel any time you can enjoy doing things with your kids is a blessing.
Paula was the first person I saw when I first arrived in New Castle. She parked next to me and went for a run. Since we were both 2 hours early I thought she was getting in a run before the race runners started to arrive. I thought she would then leave so she wouldn't have to deal with the crowd. WRONG!!! She finished HER run and then ran the race. She's only been running a short time but has obviously jumped right in whole heartily. I'm proud of you Paula.
Joe was the 2nd person I met that day and one of the last before I left. He was smiling before and after the race As well as being a great conversationalist he just seemed happy to meet people, like me, from out of the area.
The Great Island 5k welcomed kids participation with open arms. There were races for kids under 2 and different age brackets up to 14. The picture of a group of runners is actually about 25 kids as they started a 3/10 of a mile circle. The little girl, in the final picture, ran 2 laps carrying her tiger. How cool is that.
The people, the day, the setting, and the friendly spirit of the area made traveling 2 1/2 hours more than worth the trip. "Thank you everyone" for sending me home with some great memories. Please feel free to stay in touch as maybe we will meet again and be able to exchange some running stories.
Anyone who has not run this race should put it on your list, as all aspects of it are worth taking in.


Monday, October 4, 2010

Flutie Foundation 5K-Great People- Great Day- Great Cause

What a truly great race and time the Flutie 5k Road race in Natick, Ma. on October 3rd was. There are many people working hard to make this race such a success. Two of these people are pictured under the 100.7 tent handing out awards after the race. Doug Flutie you recognize. His schedule during the year, I have learned, makes him a man who is always on the go. But even with his success as a football quarterback for many years, and now a successful commentator on television, he is truly a down to earth, humble, and a great to know kind of guy.
I have watched him at the end of race day as he walks over to each and every volunteer he can find, shakes their hands and thanks them for helping with the race.
Lisa, Doug's national coordinator, works tirelessly all year for the Flutie Foundation and her efforts putting on this race show in the way the entire day flows from beginning to end. The atmosphere is a light hearted one and great things are accomplished to help people with Autism.
As you can see there are bounce houses for the kids, music fills the air, volunteers are everywhere to help everyone, and mother nature always seems to come through in a good way.
There are 3 more stories about the day after this one because there is so many great things to experience here.
If you've run this race before I know I'll see you next year. If you haven't--YOU NEED TO BE THERE NEXT YEAR. PUT THIS ON YOUR RACE CALENDER

Lisa And A Guy Pulling A Wagon?????

You met Lisa in the last entry and your probably wondering why she's pictured again next to a picture with a man pulling a wagon with 2 kids in it??? The man pulling the wagon is Lisa's dad and one of the kids is Lisa's daughter!!! Murdock said he had to stop at a water stop only because the kids were thirsty. I've known Lisa for about a year and have/am working on projects with her. I know her to be strong willed, determined, hard working, a get things done kind of person. I now think I know where some of that personality comes from. Lisa is also the mother of 2 kids and has a wonderfully sweet and loving nature to her, which explains why she is such a warrior for people with Autism and a real blessing to the Flutie Foundation.

You should also know Murdock did an 8 mile climb up a mountain the day before this race.

Meet Rob

No it's not the Hulk. It's Rob from team advantix. He was also the only green runner I could find at the Flutie 5k so I figured he deserved his own spot in the blog. He said he represents the team from Advantix Diagnostic. I was wondering what it takes to get all that color off once you put it on. There is one more story after this about the great day at the Flutie race so check it out.

New And Old Freinds

Here are more pics from the great day at the Flutie 5k. Brian and Chris have a great new business. Check them out at and are developing new ways of helping people with Autism. I have sat in meetings with Brian, and after meeting Chris and talking to them both, I can tell you they are straight shooting hard working guys who want to do everything possible to help people.
Murdock you have already seen in a previous entry. He was running while pulling the wagon with 2 kids in it up the hill to the finish line. Murdock, myself and Heather met while grabbing some of the plentiful variety of food that is always part of the Flutie Foundation Race. Heather, by the way, beat me by 5 minutes.
Mary Ann(967) and I were hanging out talking to Doug Flutie and it just seemed a good time to take our picture. I find when I get my picture taken with pretty women it somehow makes me look good, too.
Robert and Kei were the first people from last years race that I recognized. We met at the starting line and made a commitment to each other that we would get a picture together after the race so I could get them on in the blog. A real great couple to meet again and get to talk to that day.
The race day was fun and exciting and I would encourage you to put this race on your schedule for next year.

It's A Team Of Their Own

I just had to give these people their own spot. I met them for a 2nd time in 2 weeks. This time at the Smith Fall Fit 5k in Northampton, Ma. on Sept. 26. Dina (mom) runs with 3 kids in the stroller. Brett (238), her husband and I are now talking about putting on a fund raising race in the Chicopee are and I know it will happen because I can sense that these are good hearted, strong willed people that I will enjoy working with to benefit a worthy cause. And with Gino to back us up it's a done deal.

There are 2 more entries about the race after this. I just wanted you to meet them.

Running With Friends On A Beautiful Day

I do love to run races every once in awhile that are local to me. Sept. 29th was the Smith Fall Fit 5k at Smith College in Northampton, Ma..These are the races that I know almost as many runners as I don't know. It was a beautiful day for the race and hundreds of people came.
Lynn was the main coordinator. She was everywhere, in the booths, at the starting line sending the runners off, handing out the awards, available for questions (which if you have ever put one of these on you know there are many questions) and anything else she was called on to do.
Deb, in yellow, and I have known each other for many years. This was only her 2nd race ever and I could sense she has caught that running fever. Keep it up Deb I'm proud of you.
Lisa (744) is a tremendous athlete and competitor. We also have known each other for years. She is one of the people that finish far enough ahead of you that they are walking the course backwards to cool down. Those of us that see you folks as we are trying still to finish know what I'm talking about. Lisa, if I had to put together a winning team of runners you would be one of my first choices. Great Job.
Then there are the 3 amigos plus one. You have seen myself with Lee(758) and Craig(752) in this blog section many times. As a matter of fact, they are pictured with me at the last race I went to in which Lee was the main organizer. I really enjoy seeing them at these events. The forth amigo is Jeff from the Sugarloaf Mt. Running Club.
There are more pictures from this run in my next entry and you will easily be able to tell we all had a great day for racing.

I Messed Up

In over 2 years of running and writing about races I have never lost any information. I have, however, misplaced the names of the people in these 3 pictures from the Smith Fall Fit 5k. I apologize tremendously to those pictured. If you would email me your names I promise I will put you in the site with your own special spot.

I can tell you that the left picture is the Smith College swim and diving team. They called their group "The Most Apeeling Bunch" and took 2nd place in the team running competition.

In the middle picture is (I think) Abbey. She was taking pictures for the event and I'll bet she didn't lose her info like I did.

On the right is #29 and her daughter. She had run this race as her first race ever.

We all had a beautiful day and a wonderful race to meet each other. This is a growing race that is raising money for education and deserves the success it has had and I know it will continue to grow.

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